Chief Executive Officer in Taiwan

『形象價值、實現服務』 國際獅子會台灣總會 (MD300) 2022-2023年度主題
形象價值 Image Value
CC Cheng-Chung Chang
Council Chairperson (2022-2023)
Lions Clubs International Chair of the ILU Academic President

Richard L.C Huang, from Taoyuan, Taiwan was elected to serve as international director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 101st International Convention, held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 29 through July 3, 2018.
Director Huang is currently CEO of Loctai Enterprise Co. with 32 years of experience in the industry.
IPID Dr. Liao-Chuan Huang
International Director (2018-2021)
Lions Clubs International Chair of the ILU Advisory